Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Full Spectral Dominance 2012

It’s almost a year since this page scratched. You and me tantalized by secular race. Glutted the shine, this world collide in illicit phase. Hatred seems forever and dark ages won’t go away. It keeps us alive and swallowed us down. But the nature of time bite us hard, we have tried, we have dumped, and we’re learning from it.

Let me tell you something, we’re alive as good as local booze have ever made. A split album with Alice and repressing Vicious Circle to 7” (by Sonic Funeral Recs) are fabulous but we opposed to desisted right there. Curse has spelled and this ship won’t sink without a trace.

Our material for upcoming second EP is on the way to the pressing plant. And Will Killingsworth (Orchid, Vaccine, Clean Plate Records) from Dead Air Studios did very great job for our mixing and mastering. The second EP will be on soulless black wax with printed label and will be available around June. We’re not willing to give you any breath. So, seized it.

SE Asia Tour was really amazing. Dean Tiene, Jap, Eng are great accompany. We were caused a huge fuse for them. Y’all deserve all the credit for our tour. Thanks a lot to people in Rumah Api; Syah Alam; Johor Baru; and Singapore, it would take more than a page to tell how generous they are. After a week from SEA Tour, we were on the road again for East Java mini Tour with Milisi Kecoa which is you know who they are. And so amazing that in Jember, we play near a beach called Papuma. Meet the old or new pals. Yeah life is so generously.

One unsuspected event on that year that Touce Amore (Deathwishinc Recs), a skramz band from Los Angeles USA has coming, and we played with them. Meet and talked alot with Elliot Babbin from DNF about his new band and another stuffs. Yeah that show was like hell.

This city has produces a huge amount of cool band. We’re glad having opportunity to play with them, especially in a tiny-romantic-venue with tight-intense crowd.

Ipul, WHMH Record boss, come up with idea to doing split for our band with Alice, a fierce chaotic band from Bandung. This split has delay for some time because Alice has a technical matter and they have to re-recording their material (shit things happened to everyone). But the excitement still red and split album released in a good timing. It contains 4 songs from us and 4 songs from Alice.

Our SE Asia Tour start when we arrived at Kuala Lumpur. It was blazing hot noon in Kuala Lumpur. Dean Tiene, Jap, and Eng picked us up in bus stopping point in KL Central. Dead house is our destination, however we have to passed the city traffic jam which is like hell (of course traffic in Indonesia is ten times messed than here).

1st show at Syahalam

It was studio gig and starts at midnight. This venue are not really big but the crowd are intense.  Syahalam is educational in Malaysia so booze are forbidden (even beer). The night passed with no booze at all, yet seeing new faces is priceless experience. We have alot thanks for Pdoih for handle us

2nd show at Rumah Api (Kuala Lumpur)
Line up: Gosh, Berantakan, Unholly Smoker, Wicked Suffer, Crime Scene
Not so much people coming (shows in weekday), we don’t give a fuck, we’re still vivatious. Bombshell of that day is Crime Scene played as mystery guest. This power violence come up and smash the pit up.

3rd show at Johorbahru
Line up:
After 5 hours and something from Kuala Lumpur, we’re arrived at Johorbahru. This city lie exactly near Singapore, so a lot of mobilization here. Shit things happened. I got fever, Abdul doing another moron stuff with stuck in the gas station because he can’t enter the Embrace Hall (we slept in venue where we played. The door locked and he can’t come in.). He was there all night long until Rudy wake up and open the door. Great venue and good conversation.

4th show at Singapore
Line Up: Pazahora, Yumi, Abrasion, Midnight, Wicked Suffer, Enslave
We’re in a rush. I got stuck in border customs, everybody panic. It takes some time until I finish my registration. I’m out, everybody keep asking in panic but then I laugh. Unfortunately we’ve taken a wrong bus. So, we can’t get to venue on time. Miko (vocalist Alice) was there with us, and of course he’s stupid as always (big hug to Miko).
Singapore are not really big scene. But everyone whose coming to the show really into the music. We were glad we have opportunity to play and to get along with new people there. It was amazing to know the dedication of people in Singapore to organize hc/punk gigs. Enslave was great, we’re having fun. After show, we have gathering with all people in the show.

5th show in Rumah Api (Kuala Lumpur)
Line up: Tools of  The Trade, Reason to Resist, Dance on Your Grave, Atomicdeath, Wicked Suffer, Godless Symtoms, Enslave
Last show in tour. It was weekend. More people come to the show. Alcohol floods like never end. Everybody’s drunk, everybody;s happy.

Big thanks to Stefanus Admiral our dear friend in tour. Dean Tiene, Jap, Eng are great accompany. We were caused a huge fuse for them. Y’all deserve all the credit for our tour. Thanks a lot to people in Rumah Api; Syah Alam; Johor Baru; and Singapore, it would take more than a page to tell how generous they are.

Dito Satriawan