Photos taken by Mamat Ahee
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Part Deux

Here's some videos set from Reneo Cafe Bandung
We were mad, we were pissed off but after all we've been through we're just a bunch of homeboy from our head to our toe. Thanks everyone see you in another state of hell where we gonna berate the world right in front of your face
- DS -
Monday, May 16, 2011
Bandung Story
I wanna share ma story when I was following Wicked Suffer to have a show in Bandung, in addition with a tour of DEAD & Onion from Aussie. What a big chance for me while accompanying them on Bandung(well, it should be me who are being accompanied by them:P). Firstly, after the show at JNM (Jogja National Museum) we gather around the outside of the venue, sharing some thoughts with other companion plus with drink a 'much' alcohol (well it's called much, because it's too much!XP). After there was nothing anymore to be done on there, me and Wicked Suffer are back to Kandang Blacan(Wicked Suffer HQ)and prepare for the stuff that will be brought up on Bandung. We arrive at train station in 11:45PM, and it was in a hurry because I'm still not buying the ticket while them(I mean Wicked Suffer members)already hold a ticket. Haha, surely it's really put up a good pace when we move inside to go to the train, and the funny thing is Dead & Onion members are also there in a second after we arrive at train station. And we're moving in to put some goods we brought and also equipment in our seats. The train start moving on 12:00AM(damn!what a midnight XP). We did a lot of silly things on the train, since we're still high and loaded (you know what I mean?!). And the rest of the story will just bored ye if I'm keep tellin ye.
We arrive in Bandung Train station approximately at 9:05AM, it was so exhausting for me since I'm the one who aren't sleeping among the other peoples on that train. Damn! but still, Bandung really gave me a strenght to make ma eyes wide open. After walking to a toilet, we met some guy I've never known at first who greet us up at the exit gate of the train station. The name is Miko (A.L.I.C.E member) and Ajay. But, there's a little problem because the lack of transportation who will take us to Samsu (A.L.I.C.E member) hideout near the show venue at Cimbeuleuit. And I think, everyone's still exhausted because of train-lag (haha! what a term?!%##).
At 10:25AM we found the hideout after taking a lot of shortcut that lead us to a wrong way to arrive at the hideout(shit! somebody are ready to get pissed XP). Indeed we arrive, and I thought we will be sleepin after arriving, but ye should know what might happen?! (a long bored chit chat!XP)
We greet some people who were livin in the hideout, Daniel the lecturer(this person really have a deep paradigm about something since he was a lecturer at some university in Bandung)
I don't know what else should be written, but after passing 12PM all of us were sleepin and somes were going outside to buy some foods and cigars...End of story......
The show will be started at 6:30PM, and me woke up at 4 or maybe 5PM I dunno since I was to tired. And everyone's still sleepin after some of them probably go out to buy some snacks and cigars. We prepared everythin like the merch(pins,tapes cassette,tees)and the equipment, then walkout from the Samsu hideout at 6:20PM to the venue which is close. I dunno why we're going thru a lot of alley way, but the surrounding area really cool indeed (the architecture of the house in the neighborhood). I was shocked when someone is calling my name out outside the venue, the venue are more likely to a standard restaurant/caffee. Kinda like Sosrowijayan street at Jogjakarta, but of course a lot of hot chicks detected! (nguhahahaha!XP). The person who calling me are a member or Hellbombs (a crustcore/grind band), he called Herusegn (he also former member of Firstblood, Terrorofdynamiteattack, and Kroia). Damn! I think there's no one who will interested to a show which are containing a lot of slower tempo bands, but yea I guess because of everyone already know if Wicked Suffer would play on the show. Plus, the Dead & Onion(damn!both bands are really good folks:))even I wasn't have a proper conversation with them. After a few hours passed some of peoples me and Wicked Suffer know are coming. Hahaha, surely it's a good moment since the last time we met in some gigs in different places. There's Dani Tremorizer(Milisi Kecoa,Ex-Rajasinga), he's a freelance artist with a good sense of horror!(believe me!XP). And there's Acil, Ama, Kadek(they all are members of Milisi Kecoa a hardcore punk band from Bandung). And we also met Elgis from Fukk Bar Culture (a hardcore punk band from Bandung) and Deden from AnakMuda Prod.(it's like a label/distro who release and distributing albums of band inside or from overseas, and also publishing some zines from local scenes and overseas as well) It's really make me glad to have such moment like this, surely this is what hardcore/punk society should be look like. We spent a lot of booze just to kill a routine which are totally took away our life, and I think getting drunk wasn't bad at all or maybe some peoples would say it negative things to do since it was harming our body. But hey! this is our life, not theirs! So all of ye just fuck off and die!!!!
When the guy who held the show greet me, I was surprised when he wearin VENOM shirt!(haha, what a taste of music!XP). His name is frannsis or something(sorry I forgot!XP), and he's really good youngman who runs a shop called Sonic Doom(I dunno is it right or not?!Because I'm totally forgot bout it!XP)but let's just move inside the venue since it was Wicked Suffer role after some performances from Under The Big Bright Yellow Sun (kinda post-rock meets shoegaze elements.It's from Bandung as well). The venue are look alike underground bunker with a good space for the crowds and there's a lot of electric fan to help circulating the air from inside to outside, with a poor lowlight but that's just make the show even darker and it's good. There's enough peoples in the venue who can set up a good moshpit since there's no spaces for the bands with the crowds, and that's just making everythin more intense and more fun, yet easy enough to heaten up the dancefloor with a floorpunch combo! I'm sure ye'll get what I mean if ye come and see the show. The first song is Grave Digger, the opening song they usually play mostly at their show. The crowds are starting to make the dancefloor full of sweat as Liar Parade played, and the next song is Ares which are the third song being played by them. The surrounding area on the venue turning to a hot place as more crowds get closer to the dancefloor. Then it's time for Hatred is Purity to be played, the crowds seems keep up with the ruthless tempo by this four piece of Jogjakartan peoples. And Evil Ways was played as a continuity from the last song, and they're really put some energy on it. And it seems the crowds won't just stop, it can be seen at their faces if they're too enjoying the show. The next two song is a new material that would be released as a split with A.L.I.C.E, so you should keep yer eyes wide open for this upcoming deadly split. Ready to Fight and Behind This Tongue are the last two songs which they play for the show, a nice cover songs from Negative Approach and Infest. Some crowds want an encore, but I think it's time for both bands from Aussie to giving their best for the rest of the show. Both bands playing some experimental music with a roots from sludge/drone and ambience, nothing else to say. End of story.......
The gig was ended up at 11:00PM, and some peoples from Anti Social Party Club/Sonic Doom are asking us where we should be hang out at after some show and also spent the night till tomorrow morning. And Ook(he's Sonic Doom owner) telling us if maybe we wanna try to visit Ciater, and for me it's good place since I ever visit the place that's located on Subang, West Java. The place was like a hot spring which are being domesticated by local villager as their personal purpose. Well I think it's more like paying for something which is actually aren't for sold. But let's just enjoy the moment with a joyful late night. We spent a lot of hours at the ciater Hot spring till 3:15AM. And what can I say is the surrounding area containing a massive amount of sulfur which is great for human skin, and probably you guys should try this hot springs if you ever visit West Java on yer holiday trip. We bathing and prepare to head back to Bandung to looking for a nice food with a veggy menu(I think Dead&Onion members are a vegan). End of the story, since after eating we're separating from Dead&Onion who are preparing for the next tour show at Jakarta. Hopefully it was a success show just like in Jogjakarta and Bandung.
It's morning, i dunno what time when I was awake. But honestly, it's a very nice sleep I've ever had after watching some show(it must be hot springs effect!XP). And a morning coffee with a smooth cigar would be perfect to start the day. We plan to go back to Jogjakarta at night, and today we're free so we just possibly spent the day till night with an easy conversation with Daniel the lecturer(the person I mentioned in the third paragraph). We discuss about punks in general, some movies as well, his teaching experiences, many many many till he was ongoing to attending the class where he was lecturing. And the story goes on.....
Probably this is the last paragraph I spent for this unnecessary story, I dunno it would be posted or not by the webmaster. But sure thing is I'm really thankful for the great time and moment I share with KB crew(Wicked Suffer&peoples of KB collective) and also with Dead & Onion, sorry folks! I'm kinda shy to open a conversation with ye folks. But surely I'll do it via internet(probably?XP). We leaving the Samsu Hideout at 6:15PM, and somehow we miss the first train to Jogjakarta because miscommunication between us(haha!silly:P). But that was when Adit(Wicked Suffer drummer)want to go back at Yogyakarta at morning while we're eating, after going from Ciater hot springs. So, at the end we're taking Kahuripan train which depart at Kiaracondong train station at 9:00PM. Miko(A.L.I.C.E vocal) pick us up after we're walking for a food in the same place where we eat in the late morning(before separating with Dead & Onion). In the road while we go to Kiaracondong train station, we're roaming the road with Miko car and as always me starting the lame joke followed by everyone up in the car. I shouted at some random girl we met at the street while we passing thru at Cihampelas street. And when we enter BIP street(Bandung Indah Plaza), we continuing to mock some pedestrians(well, mostly it's women). But don't worry, I don't mean to intimidating those random persons I shouted at. It's just happen by itself(I dunno kinda habit.XP). We arrive at the train station at 7:35PM, and checking all the stuff we brought on and then entering the train station. And we was right about the time of the train we wanna catch, so there's plenty of time for some documentation with Miko. I personally who take all the photograph, but some of by yudha(Wicked Suffer guitar)and the video shoot by Didit(Realino Resort bass, A Sistem Rijek additional drums?!). And after a few minutes passing by, I dunno but somehow Dani Tremor was on the train station as well. Haha! What a big surprise?! XP... honestly I didn't know that he would came on the train station. But probably someone's might contacting him to met us for the farewel moment. Thankfully he's on time, so he could probably still have a time to chat with us. And then the time goes by while we notice it was already 9:00PM. Damn! That was fast enough. So both of them greet us and go back to where they should be(I guess?!). Thanks for reading, but I guess I shouldn't share the story while we are going back to Jogjakarta. Because it's an embarassing story because of our tough guy act, but it's funny and still I shouldn't tell the story. Let it be ours, thank you very much Wicked Suffer! Thanks for the wicked moment we share, we felt, and this is my pleasure to all of ye. And thanks for everyone I met at Bandung, pokoknya segan!(senang ganja!XP)
Words by Soba Freak
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wicked Suffer - Viciouscircle EP review
Wicked Suffer - Viciouscircle EP tape
label: WHMH Recs & Gu'ide Stuff
year: 2011
benchmark: Infest, Negative Approach
rating : 4/5
Suatu kejutan ketika mendapat kabar bahwa band ini telah merilis mini album mereka. Hal yang jarang terjadi di scene Hardcore Yogyakarta dimana sebuah band baru bisa secepat itu merilis album . ohya sebagai info, band ini terdiri dari Rudi (eks This Heart), Yuda (To Die, eks This Heart, After Die (R.I.P), Adit (Killed On Juarez) dan Dito.
Tanpa ekspektasi yang berlebihan ternyata mini album ini sangat menakjubkan. Totalitas yang sangat maksimal dari kuartet Kandang Blacan ini.
Pertama mari kita lihat kover nya, ok i know "dont judge the book by it's cover" tapi hanya dengan melihat artwork nya pun nggak ada alasan untuk tidak penasaran melihat isi album ini. Aah, tentu saja, artwork kover album ini di buat oleh salah satu artworker handal kota Jogja yang nota bene juga gitaris band ini, Yuda Matirasa. Black and white, simple, Pushead style. Serasa memandang sebuah kover album dari band Hardcore era 80an.
Sekarang kita coba mendengarkan materi lagu mereka.
Holly shit, these dudes really kick ass.
Most kids in Indonesia hardly could not see the differencess between Thrashcore and Power violence, most kids here listen to bands who combine Thrashcore with a bit of Power Violence, for example Fuck On The Beach, Charles Bronson etc, kebanyakan generasi ke dua atau ke tiga Power Violence. Nah WxS di sini secara mengejutkan malah kembali bersekplorasi ke roots awal Power Violence.
As a band they're a Hardcore band but as the music goes basically they're playing a mix of 80's Hardcore with sludgy element, yang mana musik seperti ini di pioneri oleh band seperti Infest (Los Angeles). Kemudian formula ini di tahun 90an awal di format ulang oleh band band seperti Man Is The bastard, Capitalist Casualties, No comment dll untuk membuat sebuah cross genre bernama Power Violence. Jadi bisa di bilang musik yang di mainkan oleh WxS adalah early Power Violence. Ok, mungkin kita bakal nemu bau bau Negative Approach dan Negative Effect di sini, itu nggak bisa di pungkiri karena bagaimanapun juga Infest pun terpengaruh pula oleh keagresifan dan aura kebencian 2 band tadi.
Beat beat mereka sangat agresif, part part naik turun dengan sound gitar yang gelap dan tebal. bagi sebagian orang mungkin hasil rekaman mereka terlalu bersih untuk karakter musik Power Violence yang biasanya sedikit raw. Sementara karakter vokalisnya terasa penuh dengan kebencian, sesuai dengan tema lirik mereka, full of hatred. Sangat berbeda dengan gaya penulisan Rudi, sang vokalis ketika masih di This Heart. Straight to the point, bercerita tentang hipokritisme,scene stuff, kebencian and a whole lots of hatred.
7 lagu di sini masih terasa kurang jumlahnya, i want fukking more.
go get this tape if you like your hardcore aggresive, dark and yet, full of hatredBy: Indra Menus
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Viciouscircle Ep Tape
Wicked Suffer - Viciouscircle EP Tape
Price Rp 18.000 for whole sale Rp 15.000 [not include postage]
International buyers email us first
if you're interested you can contact us at :